Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Critical Thought - A Villanelle

Critical thought, the end of modern mind,
The summum bonum of the pseudo-shrewd,
May mean the end of mind to all mankind.

What is to criticize if not to grind,
For sake of grasping, information crude
To little grains--the end of modern mind?

But scrutiny alone shall make us blind;
As eating only fibers from our food
Would mean the end of feasts for all mankind.

Division can be ever more refined,
And so the end result is to exclude
The former dividend from modern mind.

And by and by, our wits become confined
To parts of parts of parts, and so preclude
The means of finding truth for all mankind.

Then what is parted must be new combined,
Made whole--as is the World--, or so pursued
Critical thought, the end of modern mind,

Shall mean the end of mind to all mankind.

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